How Australian are YOU??

The world's biggest island. The last continent to be discovered. Australia is a a distant land that keeps its secrets to itself. How many of them do you know?

Do you know your chazz wazzas from your malindachuck? How about your billabongs from your didgeridoos? How Australian are you? Take this quiz to find out.

Created by: ngali
  1. When you see the Australian flag you...
  2. When you actually take that 4WD off the road what do you pack for the trip?
  3. It occurs to you the unofficial national anthem should be...
  4. ABC is...
  5. That funny shaped building, the one next to the bridge in Sydney.... That's a....
  6. Uluru is a...
  7. "Poofters, wogs and sheilas" is an expression that refers to...
  8. People don't like Vegemite because...
  9. Christmas Day is a good time to...
  10. The "Great Australian Dream" is...

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Quiz topic: How Australian am I?? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Australia Quiz category.