Hogwarts House Quiz!

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Harry Potter Hogwarts House Quiz! A more in depth questions and options! Found your 'true' Hogwarts House by using this Sorting Quiz! (Note: This is not an official sorting hat quiz!)

Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. This Quiz is not an official one, it is fan made for people who want to try another sorting hat quiz!

Created by: Ethan
  1. What trait do you VALUE the most out of these?
  2. What can you be seen doing in your free time?
  3. If you were to CHOOSE your Hogwarts house what would you pick?
  4. Which pet would you bring to Hogwarts?
  5. Which of the following would you most hate people to call you?
  6. Which would you rather be:
  7. Which Creature Would You Rather Be?
  8. Favourite Colour/Color?
  9. What Hogwarts House are you expecting to get?
  10. What environment do you like the most out of these?
  11. What Mascot is your favourite?
  12. If you were told to go into a dangerous forest for a dare would what you do/say?
  13. What is your Ilvermorny House?
  14. Favourite Harry Potter Book
  15. Which one out of these?

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