highschool musical

a genius is someone who can solve great problems a genius is someone who can solve great problems a genius is someone who can solve great problems a genius is someone who can solve great problems a genius is someone who can solve great problems a genius is someone who can solve great problems a genius is someona genius is someone who can solve great problems e who can solve great problems

try thus quiz if you think you know evrythink about highschool musical and you will find out when you take this quiz please take this quiz please take this quiz please take this quiz please please take this quiz take this quiz

Created by: kieran
  1. when troy arrived for the first day of school what colour was his jacket ?
  2. on the big day when the wildcats were standing out side what did it say on there t shirts
  3. what number is troys basketball top
  4. in the big game who were troys team against ?
  5. at the begining of the movie who was the person that broke up troy and his dad from playing basketball
  6. who is troys best friend ?
  7. what is chads last name ?
  8. are sharpay and ryan brother and sister true or false
  9. what is the name of the conductor in that made the songs ?
  10. what does zeke name sharpay on the first day of school is it ICE QUEEN

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