Hey, help me out here...

shakespear robin hood robert hode see the resemblance the book robin hood is like trying to read a brick. Dingle dingle dinlge dongle dongle dong,e!!!

hes so hot yet hes so cold iv been warned yes iv been told but yet i fell for him just for his looks one word he said to me thats all it took he"s so.

Created by: puppyz
  1. I really want to write a book of insults, but this is all I got. Help me by putting some in the comments, but no cussing please!
  2. I just looked online for some. From this point on I will insult you.
  3. I'll hit you so hard, by the time you come down, you'll need a passport and a plane ticket to get back up.
  4. You're so dumb it takes you an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes!
  5. You're so stupid you got fired from the M&M factory for throwing away the W's!
  6. Ha ha... I like that last one.
  7. I am writing this because my friend is the WORST at comebacks. I want to help her.
  8. A boy was all like, "You are an ugly, messed up, stupid, crazy, bald headed grandma." And she was all like, "I know you're a grandpa." And I'm all thinkin, "Wow. How lame..." But I'm all saying, "Kimberly, you know its not a comeback if you only change one word?" And she was all hitting me.
  9. Anyway, one thing I usually do is I twist. I call it twist because I take people's words and make them mine by changing the subject.
  10. So, here's an example: Someone says, "Your stupid phone doesn't work." I "Twist" and say "Your stupid brain doesn't work." Its always brain. Always.

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