Heroes Alone and Wrestling

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Check out Hour 25: a sequel to the Ancient Greek Hero in 24 hours. It is a community of classicists like yourself sponsored by the Center for Hellenic Studies.

Check out the Center for Hellenic Studies! This is Harvard's classical studies department and a great open source of books, classical texts, and resources.

Created by: William Moulton of Hour 25
(your link here more info)
  1. How many times was Oedipus expelled from Thebes?
  2. Dionysus appeared on a jutting headland by the shore of the fruitless sea. Pirates came swiftly over the sparkling sea and snatched him up. According to Perseus where were the from?
  3. Who slew Princess Megara of Thebes and her three sons?
  4. When you don your armor for battle, which pieces do you start with?
  5. Which book of The Iliad is most suspect?
  6. Semele's son was NOT called...
  7. What god did Menelaus wrestle with?
  8. Which river god almost killed Achilles?
  9. At Colonus whom did Oedipus supplicate?
  10. Homer asks the goddess Clio to begin the telling of the Iliad at the point where there was strife between which two heroes?

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