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  • I know how you feel about the sister thing. I have a little sister and she can be SUPER annoying at times, but I love her and would die for her in a heartbeat. Other than that, your story sounds really interesting, please continue. Owen's a jerk. I wouldn't have started crying in front of him. If someone told me that I was ugly I would probably say "Well, at least I don't break mirrors with my ugly face like you do." and then I might've said some curse words and probably said something else mean XD well, I hope you feel better and I totally get the whole confused thing, too.

  • good story! tht 1direction quizz is history! dont worry about the past! those people can kiss it. everyone makes mistakes . with ur friend i wuld say just apologize and try to make it up to her. and with ur sister id say just say shut ur trap b4 the flies get in lol! life isnt so bad 4 u. my dad disowned me and my big bro is always rapping too. i say the same xact thing and he shuts up 4 a wile. life will get better i promise! look on the bright side! thts all i got srry! bye!

  • Ok, the popular guy was a total d***** so you shouldn't care about him anymore. Also, things will get better. Just tell your sister to shut up.

  • Alright, well first of all that story was really good and you should continue it. :) Now for the advise part, I didn't see that quiz you made, but I'm sure it's not that bad. You can use the word 'hate' if you want to. It's not a bad word, and it gets the point across, so don't be too mad at yourself. And for your friend? Just apologize for being a jerk and don't do it again. We all have our bad days, I'm sure they'll understand.


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