Hellsing personality

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"I was motivated to create this to see how many people would enjoy this and to inspire them to create their own quiz because I want them to use their own genre of the type of quiz they make."

"Hello , are you a Hellsing fan, well in case you are , you will absolutely love this quiz.There are major results to the end of this quiz,so choose very wisely. Thank you and enjoy!

Created by: Brandon Abercrombie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "Who are you?"
  2. Who is your lover
  3. How do you kill and what you will use ?
  4. Who will be your partner throughout battle's ?
  5. What phrase would you say if any charecter from this series asked why you joined the organization
  6. "If you were to die , what are your last words?"
  7. What will you say to your lover you chose through a emotional moment ?
  8. "What are your origins"
  9. "If you were caught in the act where you had to either kill Alucard or the major, who would you kill?"
  10. "What will you do now."

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