HCLH Personality quiz

This is a quiz for the myspace group Hardcore Christians Living Hardcore (HCLH). This is a quiz for the myspace group Hardcore Christians Living Hardcore (HCLH). This is a quiz for the myspace group Hardcore Christians Living Hardcore (HCLH).

People on there fall into certain categories which is evident by their posts. This quiz uses some regulars to define the posting style. which one are you?

Created by: andy
  1. When someone posts a topic on how evolution is false, you...
  2. When someone makes a post on how the Bible supports murder of children, you...
  3. When someone posts a picture of you, you...
  4. You are sick, what do you do?
  5. When someone says women came from a rib, you...
  6. True or False, T-Rex's sharp teeth allow for efficient chewing of leaves and grass.
  7. When someone pwns you, you...
  8. Tornadoes are...
  9. Richard Dawkins is...
  10. What is your view on homosexuality?

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