Have You Studied Heidi-ology?

There are many HK quizzes out there, but only one about me. And this is it! Are you ready? Have you studied up? Read your textbook? Taken Notes? Had a study group? Purchased your copy of Heidi for Dummies?

Do YOU have a doctorate in Heidi-ology? Do you have the memory or power of excellent guesstimation it takes to earn that presitgious title? Until now, you could only wonder. But now you will know for sure!

Created by: Heidi
  1. What was Heidi's name on the old board?
  2. I was in the Army. What was my job?
  3. I first met my husband when what broke down?
  4. My baby's name is Seneca. This name means...
  5. One of my children talks just like a rock and roll star. Which one is it?
  6. Which moderator am I related to?
  7. We recently moved back to Kansas from what state?
  8. Kiersten says my spiritual gift is
  9. We wanted to name our first-born son after a famous singer, but didn't because, together with our last name, it would sound like:
  10. My last name is Dutch for what barn-yard animal?
  11. My long-lost HK twin is:

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