Harry Potter and the deathly hallows

Do you love Harry Potter?? Well is this the Quiz for you! This quiz contains 10 questions about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter is the best book anyone can ever read!! +_/_/-/ This Quiz took me forever, not because i was thinking of the questions and possible answers but because You had to do a whole lot more, like type in what i'm typing right now (its called paragraph 1) and it has to have 150 letters! According to time it took me an hour to complete this quiz! So be prepared f you want to make one! it's harder than you think!

Are YOU a Harry Potter Freak? Well i am and this quiz will tell you if you are! Only bad Harry Potter freaks have read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows which is exactly what this quiz is about!!!_/ I wish magic and quidditch was real! I just hope that Voldemort isn't!!!

Created by: lozza
  1. Where were Harry,Hermione and Ron when they found out about the deathly hallows?
  2. Who does harry get married to?
  3. What is the first chapter of the book called?
  4. What was Harry's mission set to him by Dumbledore?
  5. Which Weasley twin dies in the end?
  6. Which house elf dies?
  7. Which building does Harry inherit after Sirius black dies?
  8. How does harry Kill Voldemort
  9. What are Harry's children's names?
  10. What are horcruxes?

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