Halo spartan quiz

Few men can be called spartans, and even fewer be strong. This is a test to see what model spartan you ate but what type of fight are you fighting, that's up to you. As this progresses you will discover your inner strength.

Even though you may not seem like a spartan this is your chance will you be a lowly recruit or the legendary mark VI find out on this test or maybe your something in between.

Created by: momdad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You find yourself in a jungle, you may be hidden in the darkness of the jungle but its still not safe, an enemy patrol passes through a crossing what do you do.
  2. Your team is stuck in a combat zone, they have little way out you can complete the mission or help them. What do you pick?
  3. What weapon combo do you prefer.
  4. You have to plant the HAVOC grade one nuke on the enemy craft, they may be preparing to leave soon. When you realize your trigger detonator has broken you have two options go down with the ship or live.
  5. You are wounded in combat, your friends are evacuating. One asks if you feel like you can go with them and live what do you say.
  6. You are pinned down in a fire fight with one member of your team, the others are going to meet you at check point charlie, what do you do to get out of it?
  7. You have one objective left in the mission, the city has fallen and the way out may be closed off. You must exterminate the target, what do you do.
  8. You are entered in combat with a covenant elite, he fights you for a bit before realizing your equality. He tosses you an energy sword and challenges you what do you do.
  9. The mission is compromised, your team is on the verge of extinction what do you do
  10. Favorite color
  11. The final fight is now, you find your best friend is working with the enemy. Your only option is to fight him how do you beat him.

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