Halloween Movie Trivia

Halloween Movie Trivia is based on the John Carpenter's 1978 release of the Michael Myers slasher film, Halloween. Staring Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasence, a timely treasure!

Have you seen the movie? Think you know Michael Myers? Think you can outsmart a mastermind? Take this trivia quiz to see how smart you really are!

Created by: Kendra

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  1. What year did Halloween hit movie theaters?
  2. Jamie Lee Curtis plays what character in the movie?
  3. How old was Michael Myers when he killed his older sister in 1963?
  4. Who is Michael's doctor?
  5. Where does the movie take place?
  6. What is the name of the boy that Laurie Strode is babysitting on Halloween night?
  7. When Michael stabbed his sister to death, what kind of Halloween costume was he wearing?
  8. How many year was Michael in the sanitarium before he escaped?
  9. Michael Myers's mask is created from the mask of what actor?
  10. When Laurie and her friend are walking home from school, what kind of trees are in the scene?
  11. While writing the script, what was the working title of the film?
  12. Who voted Halloween to be the 5th scariest movie of all time?
  13. As Dr. Loomis is leaving the police station he is quoted as saying:
  14. Laurie's friend Lynda uses which word over and over in the film?
  15. Who shoots Michael in the end of the film when he then falls to his death off of the outside balcony?

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