Half-Blood or mortal?

Are you a Half-Blood? Or a mortal? Or even the rare case seeing! Take this quiz to find out! Do not get sad if you are not what you wanna be! Everyone is different!

Believe what you want to believe you can take this for fun or take it seriously (Like actual Half-Bloods) But hey who blames you? And no I will not give you the truth if they exist or not!

Created by: DaBossOfBosses

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have medical conditions like ADHD?
  2. Has anyone been stalking you or you see people in your house for a second?
  3. What kind of time do you like best?
  4. Do you almost never see your parents or you think they are not your real parents or maybe one has an attribute of a god?
  5. Do yo get excited with somethings or are really good at it like math or science?
  6. If you had to choose a weapon which would you choose?
  7. What describes you? Be honest on what people think of you what you here from gossip!
  8. If a guy in a hood walks up to you and speaks curses you in greek what would you do?
  9. I say "Yo!" you say?
  10. Do you believe in the Olympian gods?

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