GUYS ONLY would we be a food couple

Thank you for raking my test but im going to be taken in a short time so sorry everyone I have one boy I love and he loves me back! Hope u enjoyed my test so like comment and tell your friends to take my test

Did u like my test? Adis u like the questions do u like fruit are u skinny what's your favorite sport I'm getting bored and don't want to type any more sorry haha

Created by: amazon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Your favorite Drink?
  2. What is your fav colors
  3. What is your fav thing to do
  4. Favorite sports team
  5. How many kids do u want when u get over
  6. What color hair do u have
  7. What color eyes do u have
  8. What do u normaly wear for school
  9. What is your body firgure
  10. What is your fav pattern
  11. Do u think we would be a good couple
  12. Did you like my test
  13. What do u think my name is
  14. How will u say goodbye?

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