Guess the classical composer quiz, emoji edition

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This quiz tests your ability to decipher emojis about classical composers. For this quiz, the emojis mainly represent the name of the composer, with the exception of a few other hints. I hope you enjoy this quiz and find it at least mildly challenging!

There is only now correct answer, so think hard about what choice you will make. Some questions are intended to be pretty easy, whereas others are more challenging. Comment below if you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Bunny8thecat
  1. Who is this composer?🧔🏻♂📥🔕
  2. Who is this composer?📈🏠📥
  3. And who is this?🥤🍇⛷
  4. And this composer?☁ 🏔 💚
  5. This one is a bit harder, so it will include clues beyond the name: Who is this? 📝🇭🇺
  6. What composer is this?🏠🐺🐺
  7. This one isn't so hard. Who is it though?📞👨‍🦰
  8. Who might this be? Hint: the emojis represent the work rather than the composer.🎥👽🧙🏻‍♂️⭐💣
  9. Can you guess this one?👕➡🧶🧵
  10. Finally, who is this?🏝⛱ 🌊 🤵♀

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