Guess That Fnaf Character!

Five nights at freddy's. Are YOU a pro? DO you know these characters? Well you can find out by taking this quiz! Yes that's right! This quiz tests your fnaf knowladge!

Some people claim to know everything about scott cawthon's famous horror game five nights at freddys. Time to see if you go noob or go swag! ^-^ have fun!

Created by: averythearcticwolf
  1. I am from the first game. I am red. I am the only one who DOESN'T screech in your face. Arrrrg! Who am I?
  2. I am from the second game. I am tall and skinny. Sometimes you can see a hallucination of me in the main hall. Pop goes the weasel! Who am I?
  3. I am from the first game. You may know me quite well. My name starts with f. Power out! Who am I?
  4. I am from the second game. I stay in game area. Hello? Hi! Hahaha! Who am I?
  5. I am from the first game. I am thought of as a halucination. My name starts with these letters. G. F.. Goldie!! Who am I?
  6. I am from the second game. I have been tampered with by children. Code 10 1 radio box! Who am I?
  7. I am from the second game. I am in toy freddy's band. Let's party! Who am I?
  8. I am from the first game. I blink at the fourth night call. Chica's wing! Guess who I am?
  9. I am from the second game. My face is gone... Bu-. Guess who I am.
  10. I am from the first game. You will never see my face EVER. Paycheck+120$. Guess who I am..

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