What Type Of Person Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Type Of Person Are You?

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  • What Type Of Person Are You?
    Your Result: Unique 62%

    You are Unique! You are different from other people and you have more creativity than the average person. You are creative. When it comes to picking up a paintbrush or a pen, you have talent! You are actually multi-talented! You are smart and can figure out how to do things quickly! You are a natural born talented person and you don't even need practice!

    The Red Rose
    • Thats me, but it said shy for some reason.
      IM NoT ShY!!!!!

  • What Type Of Person Are You?
    Your Result: Bad 90%

    You are Bad! You are the type of person who is considered evil and brave! You have no fear, because you are very courageous! You are up for anything, because you're a dare devil! When it comes to vandalism, you will take part in it any day!

    20% Unique
    11% Good
    11% Vain
    11% Annoying
    0% Independent

    Michael Afton
  • Haha, no. I'm not annoying, and even though I cannot sit still, I keep to myself and wonder when I can go home and sleep.

  • It said i'm shy.

    If you know me you will agree I am SO NOT SHY, i am a freaking EXTROVERT at heart. I am the definition of annoying. some pro.

  • okay then-

  • Hah, I got bad 100%


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