Does your mother love you? | Comments

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  • My mother mentally abused my whole family and neglected just me for some reason. I got 25% , she also gave me and my siblings truma because she shot herself infront of us in September. She also always accused my dad of cheating even tough she cheated on my father like 5 -7 times.

  • I got 9%. I've had a great life. I love people and everyone one in my life. Ha ha. I'm very old. I am 67. Married and love my husband and children and they love me and I am grateful for my beautiful life. Transcend your circumstances with love for others. My mother never told me she loved me. It doesn't stop me from living and loving life and people.

  • This test is ridiculous. If you picked the top options, congratulations, your mom is a pushover. A good parent who really cares about their children is willing to discipline them, and they can trust their child to stay home alone, depending on age.

  • All I want is for my mom to love me and give me her time she is acting like she only has one child that is my sister . Everytime I want to talk to her she keeps telling me to go away and she only loves me when she wants me to her money from


    Dad she doesn't care about me at all I hate that and my dad is sick so when he dies f this am gonna suicied

  • To ACE101 i know how you feel im the middle child and my mom has held me off the ground by the throat and shot me in the stomach with a gun and i was in a coma for 2 years i know how you feel i take 10 pills a day to keep me from dying so please just know if you ever need to talk to someone im here

  • I got 10%. Welp, not only once my mother told me she hates me, but she has never been to jail. She and my brother did tie me up and shower me with ice cold water clothed once. She braks my ceramics all the time. But she has never ever threw a vase at me. But I think it's just thanks to the neighbors under our apartment.

  • I got 42% but I don't think my mumma loves me even a little bit. Because she has left home and gone to my grandmother's house for the last 1 year, I hate her, I do not even talk to her and neither if she loved me even a little, she would have come back home for me or should I talk or I don't know she calls me everyday but she doesn't come back home and she doesn't talk to me i really hate my mumma

    Tanvi Gandhi
  • 24% is really actually true she spends like 5 minutes with me and yells at me 24/7 I'm not kidding and to her, I'm nothing but a slave she only cares about me when it's convenient for her like I had surgery on the 6th and she was all over me for two days then she went right back to hating me

    Alex_sad life
    • Whoa... that sucks. I got 0%, and even though I was crying I expected it. I have 1 sister- Arriella- and she was a mother figure to me my whole life. My mother thinks I'm a disgrace to the family- ever since my first IQ test when I was five. Most of my family have 155- 166 IQ, but I only got 150 on the test. My sister got 163, though. My mother started to hate me after that, but she still made me do more IQ tests. All of them were only a little more than 150. My current IQ is

      153. My mother full on hates me. She never bothers to talk to me, and when she does she only screams at me and calls me a disgrace and stuff like that. One time she hit me so bad I almost died, and she got arrested...

  • Im 59 years old and my mother is 86. I scored 13%. When I was 35 I did not see my mother for 10 years because of her abuse. Seven months ago I had to stop seeing her again because of her abuse. She is a very healthy 86 year old! Healthy enough to still be abusive. So sad. But glad Im not that kind of person. I love her but she loves me 13%. Thank you for the truth!

    • Oof dont abuse love ur mum has to learn violence isnt the way ok?

  • All Ive ever wanted was my mom to love me like all the other kids and not yell or argue at me every time were in the same location and not to send me to my room when I get a b because I usually get as but now I just dont want to see her and I dont want to see my dad either (there divorced) so Im sort of trapped in a really bad situation and theres nothing I can do

  • First of all add me on’s my username. Also I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. One of my sisters is the oldest and most mature as she has three kids and a husband. My brother is second oldest, he is turning 18 soon and has filled his life with drugs to help because of mom issues. Then there is me, I’m 12 turning thirteen in March. Then my younger sister Haileigh who is 11, then my youngest sister who is 7. So I’ve been feel depressed a lot and when I tell my mom she says, “it’s fine when we move to a new school you’ll be better.” I tried explaining how wrong she was but she brushed me off, I’ve been cutting since I was 11 and its become a normal thing for me. Anyway now that you know that small part, my younger sisters live with my older sister so like they cane over for Christmas break and it’s gotten worse because my 11 yr old sister literally kicked me the other day in the chest really hard which kinda took me by surprise and I literally felt the air get sucked out of my throat. I did though, start crying and my mom told me in some words to “Stop being a brat to her and I’m starting to not care about you.” That hurt but I expected it from my mom because she doesn’t like me. Anyway another example could be when I was on the computer playing a game and my sisters we hovering over my shoulder which ifk it just bothered me so I asked for then “Please go it’s bothering me that your hovering over my shoulder.” They then remarked with attitude and I yelled for my mom because she was upstairs and was like ,” Mom can you make sister#1 and 2 go away while I’m playing this game?” And she responded with,”STOP BEING A BRAT!!!” I ran upstairs getting fed up and I was like “Yesterday when sister#1 kicked me in the chest you told me to stop being a brat and nobody cares about me.” She was like “well I didn’t believe you and I didn’t say that.” (My sister cut in and said she didn’t either) “Why are you always fav

    • hi

      Well my mom doesn't love only when I had money then she was supportive and pretended to love me but now the money train is not giving now no one is talking to me. I supported my parents for over 15 years now that I can't give anymore I am the biggest piece of crap in the family but none of my older siblings ever gave them anything. So my parents had always treated me bad but obviously I tried to buy their love but oops my mistake but good ridden.

      To think I'm the youngest and they leached of me but what's done is done. I was told my my parents that I am dead to them just because of money.

      Well life goes on and good riddens from toxic parents

  • Literally she has a problem with me not gonna lie. She yells at me like 7 times a week and accuses me for lying. Ive lied in the past A LOT, but Im through that now. I literally only tell one lie hardly 2 a month. And she doesnt even say Good Morning sometimes. I just, I dont know.

  • I got a 7 %... no comment abt that... i Just turned 21, my mom never calls me unless i do... n every time i do call her she never says she misses me or asks about my well-being... she shouts at me all the time she hates me, when i call her she also claims she is busy and rushes the call asking wt is the purpose of my call... so yeh... she is kindda heartless towards me... if she was my #dad#, i wd doubt she wasnt my mother but too bad i cant doubt her being my mother ... funny kind of.... she is cruel... too tough.. she makes me cry everytime we talk... she is so hard... i can't deal with it anymore... to be honest... a part of me a big part of me... no longer .. i just don't care anymore??????? she hurt me too much to give a damn anymore...

  • idk what to even do anymore. she makes me want to kill myself. shes so horrible and rude and just plain cruel. whenever she gets angry with me (which is like every few hours) she SCREAMS and beats me. she gives me no privacy either, removing the lock from my door and not allowing me to close it when shes home. i maintain very high grades and am in the top of my class, but she still calls me stupid and ugly and ungrateful all of the time.. im getting tired of this. she mocks me for my sexuality and tells me things like "you're not a boy stop acting like it" when i refuse to wear dresses or bikinis. i just feel trapped and theres nothing i can do but wait until im 18 and can get the f--- out. maybe i should just kms.

  • I love my mom so much and I know she loves me. I am happy to have her even she is mad sometimes because I a little pasaway. I'm nine so I get good grade in math. I love them. Don't think they allows get mad at me no no no.......... I am a little pasaway. And I want to say some thing in dec 6 2020 now. It does not mean your mom those not love you when you are pasaway or you made a mistake or something bad they want to teach you and say how you feel OK. Hope you learn my commitment. Post on Dec 6 2020 now at 19:5

  • DjScarlet Just because your mom raised you like a brat does not mean people are jealous people should be actually laughing at you. Oh and by the way your mom might love you but she does not care about your grammar!

    Natalie D
  • Well I got 27% and I believe this...and I've seen all the mean comments. If y'all got sumthin mean to say about my score.. tell it to someone who cares cause I really don't. I started to cry when I saw my score cause I knew this was true. So my mom hates me and I love her. So... Fml I guess... I should go talk to her then get yelled at after hearing the truth. Idk anymore. Atleast myvdad loves me...

    • my mom loves me

    • lol ofc she does

  • Well I got 27% and I believe this...and I've seen all the mean comments. If y'all got sumthin mean to say about my score.. tell it to someone who cares cause I really don't. I started to cry when I saw my score cause I knew this was true. So my mom hates me and I love her. So... Fml I guess... I should go talk to her then get yelled at after hearing the truth. Idk anymore. Atleast myvdad loves me...

  • What the hell I got 87% and the comment I got under my results was so mean and uncalled for who ever made this is just jelous that my mom didnt leave me the second she birthed me and actually I wanted me alive

  • I got 14%. My mum hates me and loves my younger siblings (i'm the oldest i'm 13) she thinks i'm stupid and is never happy for my achievements. I cry at nights and have thoughts of killing myself.

  • I wish she loved me. But Im mostly just an anger target. And the strange thing is she is my adoptive mother. The person who is supposed to love me the most. I really wish shed love me.

    Jasmine Antar
  • My mum hates me!! She always tells me to walk to school, and it take me like 1 f---ing hour and where i live the bus takes like 30 minutes, and she wont allow me to leave the house earlier so i can catch it on time, plus she has a car and i dont live with my dad. She's just left me in the house again, now i feel so insecure about myself. I just want to die sometimes!!

  • 42%, and I am 33 yet still suffering from 'my mom doesn't love me' childhood trauma. Btw I left home to study in a city (4h away) at 15.

    No I am not a loser, I earn > 70000 euros/year. Although my mom thinks this way for being single at 33.

  • Get better grammar and go to school to get an education... Oh wait you cant because your mother hates you she cant afford an education for her son/daughter.

  • I got 21% was crying through out the test that there where such nicer options that I couldn't pick. No matter what I do love her and all I can do it hope that one day she can love me back as her child and I can retake this test with a smile...


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