How Courageous Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Courageous Are You?

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  • Your Result: Viktor Frankl 89%

    You are the definition of courage. You are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. When in doubt your friends can always count on you. You are not one to worry about what others have to say but instead you live life to the fullest. Just like Viktor Frankl, because of your courageous character you will continue to be known for your bravery and have meaning in life.

  • Your Result: Viktor Frankl 89%

    You are the definition of courage. You are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. When in doubt your friends can always count on you. You are not one to worry about what others have to say but instead you live life to the fullest. Just like Viktor Frankl, because of your courageous character you will continue to be known for your bravery and have meaning in life.

  • Willey Wigens,I'm not gonna lie sometimes I do struggle with making choices on facing fears but I usually stick to them so I can live a better and happier life then in the future.

  • Your Result: Viktor Frankl
    [][][]][][] [][][][][][][][][]1 00%

    100% full courage! I stand for my beliefs! Yah!


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