Crazy Americans | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Crazy Americans.

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  • I'm sorry, but this is laughable. Not only is this incredibly insulting to all Americans out there, and indeed any country, including my own England, in which they have McDonald's and fast-food, but it's also just hilariously bad. Whoever you are, you have clearly used Google translate... And it shows! I speak German, and have learnt it for a while now, and the grammar mistakes in there are plentiful. Half of it makes very little sense. If you really are a German-speaking resident, I apologise, but this is full of grammar mistakes and jumbled up sentences.

  • What the---? Why? I mean, it's an apparently racist quiz all about McDonald's. I mean, I hate McDonald's, but that's a big stereotype... I'm sure there's lots of fatties in your country too.


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