How girly are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How girly are you?

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  • I'm not saying that to put you down, but you could stumble upon a few things that you probably shouldn't be seeing. Also, if you don't state your age, then you're less likely to be made fun of/persecuted because of it.

  • Total tomboy,I am alot more boyish than girly girl sense I only enjoy stuffed animals and everything else that is girly girl I usually can't stand. Cool quiz mate.

  • You're a tomboy.You like football,blue...Don 't really know what else boys like cause i'm a girly girl X3 Cars...Anyways...Yo u are a total tomboy and you should be proud ;D

    Yep, I'm a total tomboy (and i am proud lol)

  • I'm not talking down to you, but if you are in fact nine years old this probably isn't the most...appropriate site for you.

    Regards, Killjoy

  • I'm old for my age and my mum norally watches me and i'm alot smarter than some kids but i'm not saying i'm a genious but i'm old for my age ;)

    Girly girl26

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