Please Read And Give Advice! | Comments

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  • Lena, i know what your going through. I had this friend named Cindy and we only met in 3rd grade, but every time i tried to ask her something like playing tag, she says no because she's wearing a skirt then ditched me for some other kid named Timothy and when I look at her right after i just figured out she's a user and loser!

  • I know most people say to ignore it but I think that you should confront her about it.Yo aren't alone. I found myself in a similar situation some years back and the best thing to do is confront her. I know it will probably be hard to but I think if she really was/is your best friend she wouldn't lie. That's against the Best Friend Code. I agree iamawesomeness10. You really need to confront this Kylie chick and tell her what you feel. If you do decide to do that, don't jump right in frigid waters by accusing her about it. Gradually get there oer the time period of your conversation. That worked for me even though I lost a friend. Sometimes if you really care about someone, you have to let them go. I hope I helped. Please respond to tell what you ended up doing. Good luck on whatever you decide! :)

  • She might not be lying. Someone that you think you know may not be who they really are. Guys try to get with girls all the time. If you think she's lying, then tell your parents or a teacher that a boy has been texting your friend inappropriate things. That way, if it isn't true, then she'll confess and say that it's not true. But if it is true, then she'll say that it is true.

  • Tell her she musn't lie to you, and then ignore her. If she's really a friend, she'll feel bad and tell you. I know it sounds bad, but comletely ignoring it would be terrible but confronting her is hard.

  • I think you should ignore her. Like no offence but she sounds like a bi*** . If she really was your friend she would treat you like one and not like a stranger. You should just ignore that drama.

  • I don't want to be rude to DaughterOfApollo but I don't think you should do that. it could backfire and if she is lieing she may choose not to tell the truth even if shes confronted by adults. I think the best thing to do is talk to her but don't just start in on her as if your asuming shes guilty. just tell her your suspitions and see if she has an answer.

  • (Didn't finish that scentence, *she'll feel bad and tell you the truth.


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