What kind of horse should you own? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of horse should you own?

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  • LMAO I took this quiz for fun to see if I'd get a new answer because I actually am looking for a horse. I'm looking at thoroughbreds, especially OTTBs as I have a lot of experience with them and love a challenge, but I was wondering if I was overlooking other breeds that might be good for me. Anyways I got OTTB so your quiz works! It'd be helpful to be able to choose more than one option on some of them because I'm a show jumper who also lovesssss to ride trails.

  • exuse me? I am a very good horseback rider! and you say that im a beginner? u don't know what your talking about! I jump, dressage, barrel racer, pole bender, barrel bender, flag racer, and speed and action rider. I own an arab and shes better then anything u could possibly own.

    mistualya kay
    • Your Result: A Morgan 74%

      You are a kind, fun-to-be-around, happy horse owner. You are the jack of all trades. You have to try many new sports that the horse world has to offer. Trails? Done them! Jumping? Let's fly! Barrel racing? Woo hoo! You take full care of your horse. Along with some schooling for a small show or too in the summer, you make sure to have fun with your horse!

      58% A Paint
      54% A OTTB Thoroughbred
      50% A Welsh Pony
      24% A Warmblood
      I love Morgans!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thanks this is a good quiz it really helps and doesnt have those dumb questions "what is your favorite color"

    and it matched my with a paint my favorite horse who ever made this I LOVE YOU!

  • Thanks this is a good quiz it really helps and doesnt have those dumb questions "what is your favorite color"

    and it matched my with a paint my favorite horse who ever made this I LOVE YOU!

  • thankyou,i got 'thorough bread',my parents told me they did not belive i had what it takes to own a 'thorough bread' and its my fav kinda horse,and i am so exited to try a 'thorough bread',wish me luck,LOVE YA'S

  • Aghhhhh I'm so happy with my result! I freaking want an OTTB so bad I can't even explain it! I got OTTB and I couldn't be happier!

  • I got Welsh Pony! :D My favorite breed is the Andalusion.


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