Grandma's Treat

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You go to your "grandma's" house for a visit and find she looks and acts differently than the last time you saw her. Weird, what is she hiding, if anything!

Will she like you? Hopefully, because she's your "grandma" right? Otherwise, you'll DIE! Just kidding.............. NO GUARANTEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Nat & Penny
  1. Hooray!! You're heading to grandma's house, you packed all of your clothes and necessities, but something feels missing... Oh! That's right you need one knitted stuffed animal your grandma gave you which one will you choose? (You can only fit one)
  2. You're in the car bored to DEATH since the trip is 6 hours long! You look into some luggage to see if your phone is in there when you come across what looks to be your grandma's scrapbook? Do you take a look?
  3. You arrive at her house and you can see a note written on the door, this must be for you, so you head closer to the note to see what it says, "Alex, would you not ring the doorbell... my dog is uh taking a nap so don't do that knock please!" Uh, your name isn't Alex (Or is it?) grandma's memory is nothing like it used to be!
  4. Your grandma finally comes to the door, opening it and giving you that look that says "it was unlocked" rolling your eyes, you walk in and take a look at your grandma again... Did she get a tan or something she looks a little different... No matter! You head to your temporary room to set up and hear snoring in another room, assuming it was your grandpa you check in all the upstairs rooms and he's nowhere to be seen!
  5. You are heading to sleep exhausted from the trip and throughout the night you see your grandma placing notes around the hallway... Is she leaving tomorrow and that's why she's leaving notes? You don't know but you are starting to feel creeped out so you go to ask your grandma why she is doing it, but when you arrive in the hallway she's gone! When you check her bedroom all you see is your grandpa... What do you do?
  6. You try to read the notes (if you told your parents, they asked what they said) "Taylor if you are reading this please don't worry about where I am, I will be back soon enough... Don't wake up your grandfather because he is tired, love your grandma! Again, not my name! I need to remind her what it is when she gets back... After a night of sleep, you wake up to find milk and cookies on the kitchen counter along with a note. Do you read the note?
  7. Your Mom comes down and decides to read the note while you eat your cookies "Morgan, please finish the cookies, it appears... I have made too many, thank you" "All of the sudden your grandma's making notes?" your Mom asks you. How do you respond?
  8. You arrive at the basement the creepiest part of the whole house! And you see grandma pulling a long, big wrapped package out of the vents! Is that what you heard in the vents yesterday? Frightened and intrigued you sneak closer to find out what happens next, the package appears to be moving! And you hear faint mumbling that sounds like your grandma! What do you even do in this situation???
  9. You wake up the next morning in your bed as if nothing had happened! You rush downstairs to tell your parents when you see grandma making waffles except... It's ACTUALLY your grandma! She even called YOUR name, not Taylor, Morgan, or Alex! You ask her about what happened last night and she says nothing happened! You ask her about the notes as well and she says, "What notes?"
  10. I hope you enjoyed this quiz... Well, did you?

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