Grade two math. (Addition and subtraction).

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People just love math! But after all, who doesn't?! If you want to study or take this quiz just for gags, go right ahead, because after all, this is grade two math!

People just love math! But after all, who doesn't?! If you want to study or take this quiz just for gags, go right ahead, because after all, this is grade two math!M

Created by: 070085915
  1. What's 5+5?
  2. If I bought a box of chocolate home. And I ate four bars, the package only started out with twenty four. How many chocolate bars do you have left? And no, do not say that I have to work out.
  3. What's 17-3?
  4. In a school bus, there are eight kids. The bus picks up 10 more. How many kids are now on the bus?
  5. What's considered an "unlucky" number?
  6. Do you like math?
  7. In kindergarden, I was four, now in grade two, I`m seven. How many years were in between kindergarten and grade two?
  8. What's 18-13?
  9. What's 0+0?
  10. Take a break.

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