Goodbye...part 24

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Welcome to part 24!


Created by: singin234
  1. I gasped as in front of me was Beth and Jess, what happened to Ashley? Did they kill her or something? It really wouldn't surprise me if they did. I could see right through Beth, but she was smiling. "I thought you were good" I told her not taking my eyes off them, my heart was beating faster. I really don't know any of my powers. I only know that I can fly. "Jess promised me a human body if I help kill you" Beth told me licking her dry lips. Oh everyone is after me, even in my mind.
  2. Where the heck am I? Brad wondered he looked around; somehow he had made it out of Rowella's mind. He looked at Zach and Rose, Rose sleeping on the bed while Zach was on the floor. Around Rosella where was a pool of blood and Zach had skin torn from his arm. "Goodbye" Brad softly whispered as a gentle wind entered the room.
  3. "sh" Zach cut himself off and looked at the huge gash on his arm. Blood slowly poured out of his arm, Zach bit his lip in pain. The monster in front of him smirked, it was cat like. The way it moves, looks, and sounds. Zach thought and dogged as it went for him. Something is protecting Rosella but what, Zach wondered as he dogged again.
  4. "And he said it would take three days" Chris told Jev as they stared at the magical pond, Jev shook his head. "It has been two Chris and besides we are going to have to wait until tonight, when the moon is out" Chris looked up at the sunset, "well I am going to bed, tell me when its time" he told Jev and fell asleep
  5. Dane opened his eyes, "What happened" he asked out loud. Then everything came rushing back to him, "Raven" he called rushing out of the bed but only to fall to his knees. Then a nurse walked right past him, he turned around to see Raven on the bed. "Oh no," Dane whispered "I am dead"
  6. Chris opened his eyes to see dawn (me: like in picture) "Jev wake up you fool" Chris cried as he shook Jev, Jev slowly opened his eyes "I fell asleep" Jev mumbled as they both stared up at the sky. "I guess it is going to take three days" Chris mumbled, he looked beside him to see a letter. Thanks, for leading us here. We owe you; we will kill Rosella for you!! Lots of hate, Ashley and Elves
  7. That's the end of part 24!
  8. Sorry the last part was kinda hard to read. I guess I didn't enjoy making it, I have alot of my mind. Sorry. I hope you liked this
  9. I think after part 25 or 26 I will make another part. I know what I am going to call it, I will tell you in the next part or part 26.
  10. Bye....

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