Goodbye...part 13 | Comments

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  • I'm flabergasted... yep that's the word. I mean when I heard someone was going to betray me, I literally said "OH SNAP!" out loud. Then I thought, "oh no, please don't let it be Jev" but there's still no certainty to him. I know based off of my own story that even the nice shy guy has dirty little secrets himself. I'm not eliminating Jev from my radar JUST yet, he's just as much as a suspect as anyone. Oh, and what was the voice, and how do they even know that? Whatever, exposition voice I guess. Anyways, I think it's Zach, but I don't know yet. Jev and Zach are my top two suspects on that. However, I still like Jev (yeah yeah, I'm totally dead, but you've got to admit. He's got great taste in literature ;D okay I'm just kidding, but seriously I still like him) Oh and as for the cliffhanger... I literally said "OH MY GOD WHAAAAAAATTTTTT???? " yeah so that's my reaction on that. But seriously? How does he have the power to turn people into babies? And why would I marry him? Oh right secret lovers thingy... psh that wouldn't be a secret for long. Not that I can't keep secrets, but people notice when two people have a thing for each other. I mean, you could argue we were acting like we weren't in love... but I think someone would catch on eventually and blab it to everyone. Yeah, that's my opinon on secret lovers. ANYWAYS this part was definitely the best so far, because I totally had NO IDEA all of that was going to happen and it was done beautifully. AWESOME JOB!!!

    Missy Prissy Cat

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