Good News Bad News (Part 1)

Good News Bad News...a classic game or your life. Want to find out more? Well why not take this quiz? It's fun, exciting, mysterious, weird, and maybe just a bit romantic. So what are you waiting for. Your fortune awaits. Will it be good...or will it be bad?

What if you realized your life wasn't all that it seemed to be? Would you survive? Or would the never ending cycle of Good News Bad News defeat you? There is only one way to find out. Take the quiz and your questions will be answers.

Created by: shakeit13

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up. Ahhh it's a fresh new morning! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and OH MY GAWD WHAT IS THAT!!!!
  2. You go up to the suitcase full of money. You look around to make sure no one is watching. Where did this come from? You...
  3. You decide to take some money to spend and hide the rest. You go shopping and find something you've been dying to have. You hand the money to the clerk and they give you a weird look. The clerk says...
  4. You gasp, the money is fake! You run from the store before they can call security. In a panic you run back to your house. As you get in viewing distance you notice the police are swarming around your house.
  5. You notice that it is the wrong house. That was a close one! You nervously walk into your house and rush to your room. You look under your bed. The money is gone. You suddenly hear the door close behind you. Your heart races as you see shoes walking towards you. You get up from under the bed to see...
  6. Before you have a chance to say anything the stranger grabs your hands. Two other men jump out of your closet, tie you up, and put tape over your mouth. You try to fight, but it is no use there are too many. You...
  7. He's no stranger! The man with the sunglasses was your fathers boss! Now that you think about it your father was rather "huss huss" about his work. Maybe these men are...
  8. Before you get a chance to find out, your window bursts open and more strangers come in. But these strangers are fighting the men who tied you up. But wait...
  9. "Good job," your mom says to Sam, the boy you've been crushing on. Sam walks over to you. He looks into your eyes, smiles, and touches your face. It almost seems as if he is going to kiss you. You close your eyes when suddenly he rips the tape off your mouth. (OUCH!!!!) You are somewhat offended, but jump into asking questions. Who were those men? Who is Sam? What was going on? You suddenly realize...

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