Global Awareness Test | Comments

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  • Newest country needs to updated to South Sudan.

  • I don't think some of the questions you ask belong in the test. Some are politically charged and don't have all the relevent answer choices. Don't beat around the BUSH. Just ask if the some thinks the U.S. invasion of Iraq was right. I don't care about Obama. What relevance does where he was born hold for Global Awareness. Some are based on official record which should be taken with a grain of salt. The official record is filled top to bottom with cover stories, twisted facts and what's left is only what the public is allowed to know. For instance, the official record still holds that Oswald shot JFK. Anybody that still believes that is a FOOL. The WMD situation with Iraq is based on official record. Theres information out there that suggests Saddam Hussein had access to something that was spoken about in closed door committee for which the WMD story was a cover. The retrieval of which was the real reason for the invasion of Iraq. The Government lies to us all the time for reasons of national security. Others require recent lessons on political geography which I guess is fair, but I graduated highschool in 1997. The war/conflict questions are fair, I think knowing what they are individually is more important than how many.


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