Get to know Legend

Just me describing myself because I was bored. Don't be upset this isn't a quiz, don't have to take it. Hope this somewhat entertains you. Some of the questions may seem a bit 'attention seeking' but I tell you, they're not meant to be.

I have nothing left to say. wow. have to fill up these words don't I? Once I burt myself on a stove when I was nine. It left a blister the shape of the burner. When it popped it had a bunch of dead skin hanging off of it and I had to tear/cut it off. Some of it started bleeding. I had marks for a little bit there. Heck to write with, you know.

Created by: LegendofHailey
  1. My name is Hailey, but my nickname, (or at least online) is Legend.
  2. I don't like tv so I have to fill up my free time with other things. I like reading wiki articles, science videos, making quizzes, writing stories, and playing guitar and violin. I still don't feel as if I ever have anything to do.
  3. I don't really know anyone. I don't really like talking to people
  4. Some are my quirks are I rub my nose when I get excited, I walk around a lot for no reason in random directions, and I talk really loud when I get excited.
  5. I dislike most sports, although I do enjoy tae kwon do.
  6. One of my weaknesses is my low tolerance for frustration.
  7. I'm having a me party, except it's for my life.
  8. Is it weird that I constantly mumble to myself, all throughout the day, a two sided conversation, occasionally bickering and arguing?
  9. Is it weird I laugh for no reason?
  10. I like talking about death and people dying because it is fascinating and in public the looks on people's faces are simply hilarious. You too?
  11. You probably thinking the 'weird' questions are me being a stupid teen and seeking attention, aren't you?

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