Genie assignment

Genies are not what come out of the bottle, but creatures with charms that contain their power. There are six elements of genies. Dark, Light, Earth, Air, Water and Fire. This tells what kind of personalitiy their power insist they have, and there are some parts of them as to how they carry themselves as to what powers they have. This also tells you how you can handle them.

Which genie are you? Surely, it's worth a look. After all, what power lurks within us all, waiting for a chance to shine out of our eyes in a metallic way? Or perhaps is aching for a charm to grant people their wishes? Though, that may not become true, in the least, it can cure our curiousity. Am I at 150 words yet?

Created by: Brianna of Redwishes livejournal
(your link here more info)
  1. You wake up in the morning, and the first thing you do is...
  2. Now that you are up and moving, or have dragged yourself out of bed, it is time to get breakfast, the best way for this is...
  3. Having eaten breakfast (or not) you start to get ready for work, and recieve a phone call. Your friends cancel on plans to go to an expensive play tonight, leaving you with one ticket free in your hands, you...
  4. Alright, now you have to rush out of the house to get to work on time. You quickly drive towards work, only to be caught in a traffic jam, you...
  5. Alright, now you have to rush out of the house to get to work on time. You quickly drive towards work, only to be caught in a traffic jam, you...
  6. Once you get to work, because of the traffic jam, you arrive at work ten minutes late. You are not the only one, and it gets you a nasty look from your manager. You...
  7. Somehow you last at work until lunch, then seek the safety of the break room, where you come across an attractive coworker who grins at you. They hint at wanting to go on a date, and you realize you still have that extra ticket for tonight! You...
  8. Halfway through the day you have left, you find a hundred dollar bill on the floor. You...
  9. It's finally time to go home, and some coworkers ask you to go out with them drinking. With them are some great friends who you want to hang out with and you don't get to often. You know though, that you won't be able to pull out in time for your date.
  10. While out drinking, or not drinking, you bump into a family member, who wants to tag along. You really don't want them to, but feel obligated to at least make an excuse for them not to come. You tell them...
  11. After awhile of hanging out, you notice it is time to get home if you want to get to your date in time, but you are having too much fun. You..
  12. You finally make it to pick up the other surprisingly on time, clad in your best clothing, and you head to the play. On the way in, you pass some merchandise for the play which your date looks longingly at. You...
  13. The date goes well, and you are tired from a long day. You get home and decide to get to bed. You...

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