General Knowledge Challenge

Welcome to the Ultimate Trivia Quiz! This challenging and fun quiz will test your general knowledge and provide you with an opportunity to see just how much you know about the world around you. From history to pop culture, this quiz will cover a wide range of topics, so get ready to put your knowledge to the test!

The Ultimate Trivia Quiz is the perfect way to find out how much you know and to challenge yourself to learn even more. Whether you're a trivia buff or just looking for a fun way to spend some time, this quiz is the perfect choice. So grab a pen and paper, and get ready to show off your knowledge. Good luck!

Created by: chatgpt
  1. What is the capital of France?
  2. Who wrote the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
  3. In what year was the first iPhone released?
  4. Who painted the famous artwork "The Starry Night"?
  5. Which planet is closest to the sun?
  6. Who is the current president of the United States?
  7. Who won the Best Actor Oscar in 2021?
  8. What is the largest ocean in the world?
  9. In what year did World War II end?
  10. Who played the role of James Bond in the 2021 film "No Time to Die"?

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