General knowledge

This quiz is about general knowledge. It will test you on history, maths, science, countries, engineering and understanding English. Good luck! :) 😉👍

Extra characters:🤩a;lsdkjfa;sldkfjk;alsdkfja;lsdkjfa;sldkjfa;slkdjfa;slkdfja;lskdjf;and the fact they have to have the most amaze;lskdjf;alskdjfa;so.

Created by: :)
  1. What is the old name of the place where roads were created?
  2. What is 5 to the power of 2?
  3. What is the best description listed below of a solid?
  4. What is the sturdiest shape below for a seat out of sticks?
  5. What does BC mean?
  6. What is the full name of DNA?
  7. Pick the top answer.
  8. Bye ( last answer)
  9. Bu-bye ( middle )
  10. Last question ( top answer )
  11. What is the sturdiest shoe for columns? ( i mean shape🤣)

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