G3T 2 know Br33z3

This is a quiz so that I can see if you know something if anything about me. Just take you time and see if you know something if anything about me. Knowing me is not nothing big but not knowing me is....

Do you know me? Do you have to be smart to take this quiz? No. In a few minutes you will know exactly how much you know me. So sit back relax and join the club!!

Created by: Brianna of oodatgurlfine
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is my favorite movie?
  2. Where was I born?
  3. I only back down when?
  4. my birthmark is?
  5. I enjoy
  6. I attend what church?
  7. Who is my best friend?
  8. I went to .... in elementary school
  9. My mans name is
  10. My favorite book is?

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