back at it again >:)
Thread Topic: back at it again >:)
“Why are you so sorry?” Nix asked looking back at Karl.
“I just feel like I’m ruining everything, y’know?” Karl whispered softly, running a hand through his hair. “I- I know, I’m not, but still-“
“Hm, I get that,” Nick said softly. “Just- know that you’re forgiven, y’know? And you’ll be fine.”
Karl watched Nick for a moment, nodding. “Well uhm, I’m sure you have other patients to attend to,” he spoke with a small smile, turning his attention back to the movie. “I’ll be here, not like I can go anywhere,” he added, giggling softly.
“Seriously, if you need anything, just press the cal button,” Nick said with a polite chuckle.
“I will, thank you~” Karl said with a small smile, nodding. He waved a little as Nick left, turning his attention back to the movie playing on the TV.
(ts to like, the next morning? nick comes to check on him again?) -
(yeahh and maybe nick could say he’s getting off his shift until tmmr and karl could get all sad??)
(omg nooo but yesssss >:)
you start, i gtg!) -
Nick. and back into Karl’s room with the cart, humming softly. “Heyy- you feelin any better?” -
(AM BACK for two seconds lol)
"I'm okay," Karl said softly, a small smile on his face. "How are you this morning?" -
“Tired as all get out,” Nick said with a giggle, working on replacing Karl’s IV’s. “But I get to go home in half an hour~” -
“When do I get released?” Karl asked as he watched Nick with a small smile, sitting up a little. “I hope it’s soon, I can’t miss work-“ -
“Well, the psychologist should be coming in an hour,” Nick said, checking something. “So that should give you an idea.”
Karl nodded, running a hand through his hair. “I just hope I don’t have to miss work,” he murmured, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Just- try and focus on yourself for once, y’know?”Nick said softly. “I’m sure work will… work itself out.”
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