BlizzardBeloved's Profile


Joined on Feb 10, 2022
Status Level: Senior

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2-Year Club
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100 Quiz
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BlizzardBeloved's Recent Posts

  • back at it again >:)
    "“So. you’re studying to be a lawyer?” Nick asked as he started the car and backed out of the driveway."
  • "Liam held him close. (quick ts) “Hey mom!” Liam said, letting go of Jared and running to hug his mom."
  • so american~
    "George shook his head a little, trying to stay still so he didn’t shake Nick. “I’m not hungry.” “I sure as hell am, though,” Nick said with "
  • back at it again >:)
    "Nick paused, grabbing his keys and unlocking his car as they walked over. “It’s whatever, I guess. Dont worry about it.”"
  • "“In like, ten minutes, probably,” Liam said with a shrug."
  • so american~
    "“I guess so,” Nick said softly. “It’s okay. I probably just need something to eat.”"
  • so american~
    "“Shut up,” Nick giggled softly, latching onto George."
  • "Liam giggled, leaning close to Jared."
  • back at it again >:)
    "“Okay,” Nick said with a giggle, heading to the front door after Alex."
  • so american~
    "George smiled a little, curling closer to Clay. Nick groaned from the floor, heaving himself up and onto the bed next to them. “Scooch your "
  • "“Yeah, please don’t,” Liam said quietly, giggling a little."
  • back at it again >:)
    "Nick studied Alex for a second before shrugging. “I guess so, if Karl doesn’t mind being home alone.”"
  • so american~
    "“Yeah, it’s fair,” George said softly, curling closer to his boyfriend. “God, my back hurts.”"
  • "Liam flinched back slightly, giggling a little. “What is your obsession with my nose?”"
  • back at it again >:)
    "Nick raised an eyebrow, staring Karl down for a moment. “How about we run to the store and get you some cherries and ice cream and stuff?”"

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