back at it again >:)
Thread Topic: back at it again >:)
Karl nodded, exhaling softly.
(im brain dead :’)
(r e a l-
idrk know what to do, but i do like this rp :’)) -
(yeah same but idk what to do :’)
(nauurrrr, it can’t be a lost cause :’)
i mean, we could try n do the other thing, karl’s hurt his knee and nick’s gotta watch over him now-) -
(yeahh when he comes home?)
(y e a h u^u
you wanna start with smth, or should i? :)) -
(uhh could u?)
(yeah, i gotchu lol)
“Seriously?! I’m bedridden for how many weeks?!” Karl asked Nick with exasperation, sitting up in his bed and looking over at him. -
Nick looked calm, glancing back at Clay from the laptop he was sitting at. “Four weeks.”
“You’re kidding me, right?” Karl said, groaning. “f---, I can’t miss that much work,” he whined softly, searching for his phone. “Now I’ve gotta call out of work, and I’m gonna miss paychecks-“
“Okay, so-“ Nick said softly. “Y’know- you can get like, a remote job. Your coffee place might-“
“How are you supposed to work at a coffe shop remotely??” Karl groaned softly, flopping back onto his bed.
“I dunno! I don’t work there,” Nick shrugged, looking back at the computer. “Couldn’t do any harm asking, right?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Karl murmured, sighing softly. He grabbed his phone, sending texts to his boss explaining the situation.
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