Shrouded despair and forgotten ambitions
Thread Topic: Shrouded despair and forgotten ambitions
Am I just not worthy of love or affection or am I just really f---ing selfish idk
Well I found out the reason she doesn’t want me to keep going to therapy
It costs too much and she doesn’t want to pay it -
Kinda hurts when you hate yourself and want to die but your parents think you’re “fine” and “don’t need it” but whatever
Hm... Are there cheaper therapy offices nearby? Or ones that cover your insurance, or whatever that could make it cheaper in Australia?
You can get care plans, but ours expired a few months ago. The one we go to currently is the closest one, and my parents chose that one, so idrk
Well uh update nobody cares about but I have to go see a new therapist now because my current therapist is leaving the place I go to work at another place that’s further away so I have to start again with someone else so uh fun I guess
And my mum said I can get one of those screening things so hopefully that gets done soon
And if my GP can give us one of those health plans hopefully it’ll be cheaper and I’ll be able to go more than once a month
I’m genuinely just so done with this it’s so stupid -
honestly, you're a real one for that-
but that does sound pretty good, the screenings n stuff :)
that sucks you have to start over with a new therapist tho- -
It sucks that you have to get a new one. Is there any way you can ask your therapist for recommendations for who to switch to? (sorry, I'm offering a lot of advice and you might not want that lol)
At least you can get the screenings done, but that sucks -
Yeah lol
You’re all good lol. She’s already given us recommendations, we’re just gonna see who can get me in as soon as possible and start seeing them if they’re good for me lol.
Yeah. I just hope we can do it soon bc it’s been delayed enough lol -
The Textures are Texturing today
Life sucks
Ugh it’s already Sunday
I’ve only got one week before I have to go back to school
I’m really not looking forward to it. It’s not just the swimming, even though that’s a big part of it, I just know I’m going to get burnt out within the first few weeks. At least I’m not starting a new class like last term, but I’m just hoping people back off and mind their business. No im not going to explain my gender to a homophobe with a Spider-Man backpack grow the f--- up -
I hate pushing people away for no reason other than “I don’t feel like talking let me rot in bed and wallow in the depression of things that happened weeks ago goodbye I probably won’t text back till 3am tonight”
I get iffy when I don’t eat but food sounds gross
Eat something small. Just a little bite sized thingo
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