rotting room
Thread Topic: rotting room
i like to practice free will by getting birds in the park to copy me :)
birds are social animals, and mimicking is important to their socialization for whatever reason
anyways if you do jumping jacks the cranes will copy you -
everyone who visits florida is surprised by the animals they see but the one that always shocks ppl the most is the chickens 😠like do yall rlly not see chickens on ur ride to walmart
the only time i went to florida, i found what i think is a gecko just chilling by an abandoned margarita on one of the tables by the hotel pool. i aspire to be him
w a l m a r t
I went to Florida once and my siblings named every single animal they could (a turtle, a few birds, etc) "Steve"
omg yes i love the many geckos and lizards around in FL!! when i was in rehab there were a couple iguanas that chilled outside lol
also the calling every animal steve is adorable omg -
hello gtq btw hey hi hello yo what’s up :3
my name is david dad i want some ice cream david that is my name david i want another david where is my ball im running out on the road there is a car and it’s going to hit me AAAAAA!
splat david dad
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