For TheRecklessBam and her fans ! =] | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz For TheRecklessBam and her fans ! =].

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  • ........*blushes* oh you know me *smiles and waves hand as to ignore that* im always insane *evil laugh*

  • Me at question 1: AWWW[no urls] SOOOO CUTE! :3.... whoa that did not sound right... i meant as in..... welll... umm..... GO TheRecklessBam! Me at question 2: That's her birthday? hm..... awwww let me go back to my new quiz series and de;ete the thank you..... *delete* ok ..... sooo...... whats up with u?.... Me at question 3: ohhhh so true! ^_^ Me at question 4: she is ... very...... *sigh* Me at question 5: *eyes widen and leans in* Did that just say my 'name'?????? :O SHI@.......oh my god she did not just put my name on there!!!! Me at question 6: awww that is soooooo sweeet!!!!!!:P Me at question 7: *stomach groumbles* oooo i have to read this quick... *starts reading fast* ... Pshhhhh! she always does Me at question 8: i am starving- *starts reading* I know riighhhhhhtttttt. Me at question 9: Why am i not surprised.. no no i am not u know why.... BECAUSE SHE IS SOOOOO SUPOrTIVE! She will be always there...O.O whoa i didn't mean as always next to u... that would be awkward in the shower.... X.X Me at question 10: *claps* oh yes oh yes indeed! a big for : XD Me at question 11/last question: *grins very wide* u bad girl....... *puts this in favorite page....* you know? like you open the imternet and on the top there will be buttons to go..... yea....... WHAT AM I STILL TYPING I WANT MY CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!! !!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H MA CHOCO!

  • Ooh my god Aria! ahh okay so I'm not gunna lie, I'm tearing up :p okay agh I don't even know where to start! Okay so first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH! Like seriously nobody has done anything this big or nice for me and I appreciate it SO much. Your are the kindest, swwetest girl ever! I have absolutely no words to describe how I feel right now. You literally blew me away :p My birthday is December 28th but I think I did a typo and said it was the 21st? oops sorry :p I am so glad I met you! Your the best fan ever, you all are! And to Missy Prissy Cat. Her comment also literally changed my mind. I have a surprise for her, and some others but its so hard to not tell, but I have to keep it a secret! (X her comment made ME realize how Calisto is, and he's my own character! I mean I respect you SO much for it. You changed MY point of view on him! And as to Puffball, your comments NEVER fail to make me laugh, like I cry because I laugh so hard sometimes :p Firey_Soul and _ViolaLover_ your comments mean so much to me! I always love to see what you going to write, your feedback and your support! Thank you guys! xxblutixx and angelic4 I also love your comments because there always supportive too and funny (X You all are amazing, like seriously all my fans are. Your the reason I keep writing, and You should give a big thanks to Aria because she's the reason I decided to write Teenage Chronicle (: Thank you SOSOSOSOSO much Aria! Your the best internet sister in the world!

  • Awwwwwwwwww Aria! That's one of the sweetest things I've ever read! You pretty much took all of my amazing feelings and good wishes towards TheRecklessBam and put them into words;that's something I'm not capable of doing. You're such an amazing and sweet person, you don't even KNOW how many quizzes I've read that have given you a shoutout. We all should be thanking you, because you're the one that keeps the rest of all of us writers together and going strong.


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