Firefighter or Cop

This quiz is to see if you'd rather be a firefighter or a cop. It should show you which you'd be better at. Both these jobs help you serve your country with honor.

Are you a cop? Are you a firefighter? Maybe you'd like to be. Take this quiz to see which is best for you. Good luck on taking the quiz. Hopefully all the cops and firefighters can go home safely. That's all that matters.

Created by: Serge
  1. Favorite tool
  2. Would you rather go into a burning building or have a shootout with the local drug dealer?
  3. Would you rather handcuff a drunk or perform CPR on someone who is unconscious?
  4. What are you most afraid of?
  5. How are you with a vehicle?
  6. How are you with a gun?
  7. How are your communication skills?
  8. Are you book smarts or street smarts?
  9. How fit are you?
  10. Would you rather work a couple days in the row or work the night shift?

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