Find out if you are a Messy or clean girl!

This quiz is showing you how clean or messy are you! Yall I have to do 150 charcters max but yea I'm in school rn and its boringg but yeah love you guys

bye have a great day be good do not get in trouble love yourself and remember you matter don't let anyone tell you different because you are worth everyones time

Created by: Jurnee
  1. Do you take showers everyday?
  2. Is your room clean?
  3. How long do you take a Shower?
  4. How many steps in skincare do you have?
  5. What phone do you have
  6. Last question, Do you have your own room
  7. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  8. slay
  9. okkkkk
  10. okay byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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