Fill in this quiz and I'll tell you what you're like!! | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Fill in this quiz and I'll tell you what you're like!!

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  • Nah, it's totally fine, I just enjoy expressing my opinions for no reason, I dunno. ( I'm too random for my own good o.0) anyways, I didn't really let it bother me, since it IS just a quiz and all.

  • ghettobabe4ever, im so sorry! (im the quiz creator. I created my quiz with a different name) I deleted my password or I would fix it. im really sorry to all who feel the same way as ghettobabe4ever. but this is an internet quiz, so please don't take the results too hardly! So sorry, im sure your a great person!

  • I'm bad? :\ ... No offense, but isn't this just a little judgemental? I mean, some people actually have disorders that make them the way they are, like me for example. Just because I don't like many people doesn't mean I'm a bad person. Like, the fact that I have anxiety attacks constantly makes it really hard for me to be around people, and I go through alot of depression, but does that make me bad? Also, just because someone likes 'gloomy' colors and personal space doesn't make them bad. It's sorta cliche, honestly, but whatever lol.

    Other than the fact I felt a little 'judged', pretty okay quiz.

    -ghettobabe4ever ♡


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