Field Day Partner Quiz

you have true brain power to rember all of this stuff about me and you get to be my field day partner go you and you are really cool on field day i have a speacal suprise for you and it is going to be cool

do you even know me and i am sorry because you do not know me at all and you are not my field day partner and if you do not know me that good i have to have the other person

Created by: darby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is darby's favorite color?
  2. What is darby's favorite food?
  3. What is darby's favorite animal?
  4. what is darby's favorite team?
  5. What is darby's favorite sport?
  6. What is darby's hobby?
  7. What is darby's dads name?
  8. What is darby's dogs name?
  9. What type of dog does darby have?
  10. Are you always getting into fights with darby?

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