Feminine / Masculine Energy Quiz | Comments

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  • Question how is that a test on how balance you are because have 0% on both feminine side and masculine side. It should have said I was balanced since there was no third answer and those answer vague to intent to be unbalanced. So I use both sides at the sametime and they are part of you. Since they are part of you and that make the Feminine with Masculine which is two different sides of yourself and not just an energy. Question what does androgynous stand for and what it is describing. Having the aspect or quality of having both your Feminine Side and Masculine side in union of self as one with self. There is only one duality that exists and that is all humans on this planet Earth the duality is working together with both sides of yourself (Feminine and Masculine) to raise , strengthen and balance them. So you can merge them together as one

  • I guess this test is probably correct about me. When I think about it, I do have a feminine energy. I just wear the veil of a male. I inherited my mother's cheekbones. hands. facial structure, petite structure and honeyed voice. I also inherited her vocal talents and music talents. I only inherited my father's quick ability to learn. I'm not a crossdresser but mens' clothing of any kind has never fit me. I accidentally placed on a pair of a khakis that looked like mine, except they weren't..they were my sister's size six pants. Guess I inherited my mother's figure as well. Once I let my hair grow out and my deceased steady girlfriend told me she loved me with hair. The only thing is people start to call me Miss. Women tell me I have the smoothest skin for a male. I wonder is that why I have trouble getting a lady for a date. I wonder if I went and got a makeover and got a professional hair stylist. The women keep telling me I have such nice hair too. I might also need a few piercings; Must I go look like my energy and let the feminine out?

  • 91 percent witch is great I want to be a girl

    Ronda girl
  • Great quiz. I am 88% fabulously feminine. I am bi-gender and a male crossdesser. So I just love being feminine. Especially fabulously feminine. It makes me a happy gurl.

  • Fabulous female

  • I like the concept of analyzing your masculine and feminine parts. I don't get why the quiz asked what my gender was, however-- I feel whatever gender I identified as does not necessarily play any part with my "energy." In addition, the quiz totally assumed a binary gender, which I don't think was necessary for the concept, and completely ignores intersexuals and nonbinary genders. I also think that if I had the option, I would have selected both answers or neither answer for multiple questions.

  • "Take a step back, slow down, and consider how living cut-off from your body and your core might be compromising your menstrual and sexual health. Redressing emotional and energetic imbalances, as well as biochemical imbalances, is an important part of your healing process."

    I am not broken. I am in a good place, and am having fun.

    Being more logical and rational does not make me unhealthy.

    Making lists and following them helps me get more stuff done.

    My menstrual cycle is pretty normal. I don't have sex.

  • i've gotta say, was not impressed. absolutely a 1-dimensional deal, i was unable to answer many of the questions because both of the options seemed so very absurdly black-and-white

    E Lunatic
  • AMAZING AND ACCURATE QUIZ!! Best one i've seen in a while.

  • a truly great quiz


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