Fat test: Am I fat? | Comments

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  • It says Im not fat but I picked answer so that I would be because I am! Its just making me feel more bad about myself!!!

  • I’m over 700 pounds and im happy with it and I’m actually very lucky to have a sibling who can help me with being healthy,I’m very fat but also healthy at the same time.btw good quiz

  • I'm 12 I weigh 78 pounds I'm 4 foot 9inches I have a fat stomach and chubby upper legs i dont know how I'm under weight I also have a double chin

  • I am 67% fat and i Am actually fat so. I have 7 fat rolls. I am a 12 year old girl. i am 5 ft 1 inch. All my friends are so f***king skinny. They try to encourage me to lose weight. I have gained 15 pounds since Christmas. Putting me up to 123 pounds.

  • The answer is... you are 95% fat! 95%

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help

  • you are 95% fat! 95%

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help.

  • you are 92% fat! 92%

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help.

  • The answer is... you are 100% fat!

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help.

  • I am 13, 5 foot 1, and I weight 111 pounds. I feel extremely fat. I have no thigh gap. I got 11% fat. But I feel obese. I work out 4-6 days a week which is much less than I used to. Any workout tips???

    Kevin Cleverbot
    • As a fellow fit guy with big legs, I feel you bro

      Long Wang Barry
  • Another 0% on a quiz for me. I'm on a roll! (Pun totally intended) but I don;t have anorexia, in fact i love to stuff my face. I'm a 150 lb. 23 year old who is 6"6. So I tihnk 150 lb. is a good weight. Mostly muscle anyway -_^

  • wtf I'm not anorexic... The last time I checked, anorexic people do not consume cookies, candy and ice cream on a daily basis (almost)... *cough*

  • 11%.
    I'm not anorexic, I'm just not fat!

    You're 104 pounds and you're 13-15 years old? I'm 125 pounds, 5 feet tall, and younger than that. Which does not make me a small child! >:(

    -Appayipyip, Commodore-in-Dreami ng

    (Yeah! Commodore in Dreaming! I've had 21 dreams and counting about Commodores, and I do "dream" about being one.)

  • are 98% fat! 98%

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help.

    Shayne W Shay
  • I got 83%, I guess I didn't think I was that fat. This is the comment they left me with, after I finished the quiz.

    Tubby.... Ugh...loose like, 50 lbs.! Your unhealthy score was too high! A size XL is just right on you!

  • I am 0% fat? Too skinny... I'm not sure, I am 12 and weigh 36kg, I am average height. Am I fat, cause even though I have a fat stomach, I always think I am chubby... Can someone plz answer

    • I meant I have a flat stomach.

  • Oh and it said I should gain 100 lbs, witch is a lie, the muscle mass ratio shouldn't count weight by fat, so I don't need to eat more.

  • Mine said I'm only 4% fat... And should gain 100pounds like well I'm 5'2 and weigh 103 pounds:/ like that could mean I'm underweight, idk :( I'm very insecure about my weight.

  • You fatties know you're fat. You don't need a quiz to tell you unless you're looking for that excuse to claim people should see your "inner beauty." I guess that beauty includes your self-indulgence, irresponsibility and instant gratification. All traits I run screaming from in a woman. Plow on, cattle.

  • As long as you are eating right and healthy , and not overweight on the bmi chart your perfectly fine

  • I just turned 10 and my result said: Lose 50 pounds or something and it called me tubby :( . I am 4'8 and weigh 85. Ughh. I have NO thigh gap, either. I need lose wheight BAD

  • i got 21% fat i'm 5'2 and like 125-130 ibs. (dk really haven't weighed in a while). i hate the scales. i have sorta kinda one belly roll. I just wanna get down to at least 120 so i can be like skinny instead of "healthy".

  • my score was 25% fat .. I do not need to go eat some more thanks! ...lol ............im 5'5 and 190 which I consider myself chubby but people say im not fat that I just have a big booty and nice curves and thick legs ... so this thing is pretty jacked up haha..

    • your obese by your bmi but dw abt it

  • 93% fat! True!! I eat like crazy, I have like 5 fat rolls, everyone loves playing with my flabby belly! And I loose stuff in my rolls! Hehe :)

  • im 135lb. and 5'2"...im overweight so i got this new flirty girl fit thing and it works no lie i was 150!! no lie!! i got tired of feeling like i was fat so i did this and it made me feel sexy..i deffinately recommend it..and you learn some fun moves

  • this sucks,it says I have to GAIN weight

    Well.....I'm not exactly skinny....I don't have fat rolls but compared to others I seem podgy so I don't think I'll take there advice....


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