Fat test: Am I fat? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Fat test: Am I fat?
19% but me not anorexic. i'm just naturally skinny due to my high metabolism...
23% but im not anerexic xD.
Too me1 -
cool how can these quizes sat that I am fat or not
sravya1 -
6% fat o.o I'm not anerexic! I weigh 114 lbs and I'm 5'4 :D
im 41% but i work out with weights...and in 5'5 165 16 yesrs of age....am i fat??
bishamon1 -
4% fat... not sure if thats good or bad...
jesus!! 5%?????
19%, im am not anerexic:]