FACTS! about me~

These are just little facts all about me. Not too bad. I hope you like all the facts about me, they might not be super interesting but I still made it

wait why do I need to write two paragraphs? These are literally just facts. What more is there to really say??? Uh huh so yeah. Trying to get to 150 character- oh i made it

Created by: Nikkis old quizzes
  1. I am questioning my gender identity, not sure if I identify as a girl or a boy!
  2. I have they/them pronouns
  3. I am bi
  4. I... am an ARTIST!
  5. I love the anime TBHK
  6. i animate sometimes
  7. im a furry
  8. my favorite tv show is Bluey (it's a really good tv show for kids don't judge me)
  9. i am from america
  10. did you like the facts???

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