Faction Aptitude Test

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There are 5 factions. Abnegation- the selfless. Amity- the peaceful. Candor- the honest. Dauntless- the brave. And Erudite- the intelligent. You may fit into one of these factions, or... You may not.

Are you Selfless? Are you Peaceful? Are you Honest? Are you Brave? Are you Intelligent? Are you none of those? Are you all of those? Take this quiz and find out! (part of the facebook group Divergent)

Created by: Taylor Layle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You find yourself at a table in a room you do not know. A voice you cannot identify tells you to pick up either a knife, or piece of cheese on the table in front of you. You...
  2. You are attacked by a dog, completely unarmed. You...
  3. You are stuck in a tree that you climbed and cannot get down from. You...
  4. A man walks up to you and asks you if your name is... (insert your name here). You ask why. He says, I know what you've done. You...
  5. You haven't done your homework and are caught by a teacher. You...
  6. You walk into your house and don't find any of your family members, just strange people you don't know. But they haven't noticed you came in yet. You...
  7. A girl or boy you like comes up to you and asks: Do you like me? You...
  8. You get a serious leg injury and cannot get up off the ground. You...
  9. You are on a first date. You...
  10. The color you like best out of these options:
  11. You hate when people are:
  12. You love when people are.
  13. Your favorite animal of this list is:
  14. Your favorite late night activity on this list:
  15. You want a boyfriend/girlfriend named (preferable according to the list) : (if your a guy, look at the second options- if your a girl, look at the first options)
  16. The amount average people are aloud to touch you every day:
  17. Letter:
  18. Word:
  19. Number:
  20. Body part:
  21. Food:
  22. School:
  23. What faction do you want to be in?
  24. Why do you want to be in this group?

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