Every Wings Of Fire Dragon I Made.

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So I thought I should do a wings of fire quiz because I love wings of fire so good luck!!!!! hbdhfbsdlhdbcasljbhdcljhsbdlcjhbsdlcjhabsdlcjhbdcljhdbdcljhsbdc


Created by: Starlight12345
  1. Moonshadow- Moonshadow is a Nightwing dragonet that was born under three full moons. She has all three powers: foretelling the future, reading minds and being an animus.
  2. Everest- Everest is an unusual Icewing dragonet that was born with super strength and extremely strong frost breath. She is constantly bullied because of her unusual strength.
  3. Fossa- Fossa is a Rainwing dragonet that can understand animals. She is always surrounded by animals and is constantly talking to them.
  4. River- River is a Seawing dragonet with the ability to tell when someone is lying and when someone is telling the truth. She is Queen Coral's first in command even though she is only a dragonet. She can only tell the truth because of her power.
  5. Sunset- Sunset is a Skywing dragonet with fire scales. Her mother Peril and her father Clay where very surprised that they got a fire scales dragonet. She has the ability to control her fire scales so that she can't hurt anyone.
  6. Barb- Barb is a Sandwing dragonet that was born with two tails both tails has the usual scorpion barb. She has to be twice as careful as a normal Sandwing. She was put in the army at four moons old and at six she became Queen Thorn's second in command.
  7. Coolabah- Coolabah is a Mudwing dragonet with fireproof scales and is extremely strong for a Mudwing and is even bigger than his bigwings. Queen Moorhen was alerted as soon as he started training with his siblings. Queen Moorhen decided to make him a captain in training at four moons old and was made a full captain at six.
  8. If you want more dragons or dragonet's just leave a comment. Thanks!
  9. ...
  10. Why are you still here? Are you wanting me to tell you what my next dragons are going to be?
  11. Fine! I will tell you! They will be Pantala Dragons!

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